Tantric Massage

 Tantric massage is a combination of ritual, breathwork, physical massage, guided meditation and energetic healing. The intention is to allow the receiver of the massage to connect and attune to their body, channelling their energy in order to overcome blockages, both physical and energetic, and to fully immerse themselves in the enjoyment of loving, conscious touch.It is a full body session, intimate in nature, often intense, powerful, and blissfully enjoyable. The purpose of the session is to bring the recipient into a natural, ecstatic state, while promoting healing and reconciliation of any unresolved trauma or physical/emotional problems.

This is particularly good for people who feel like they have lost touch with their body, are unable to experience certain types of touch due to trauma response or psychosomatic reactions in their body, and would like to begin a journey of healing and/or self discovery.

Tantric massage is also a unique, and enjoyable bodywork session for those who would just like to have an amazing, pampering experience.Sessions are tailored to each individual person, and all aspects can be amended or omitted based on the client's boundaries and preferences, which will be discussed during consultation.

If you are interested in scheduling a Tantric Massage session, or a consultation, please click the link below, fill out the form, and I will get in touch with you asap.

Consultation Form

Individual Session

1 hour - £80
1.5 hours - £100
2 hours - £125
2.5 hours - £150

3 hours - £170

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