Services & Pricing

We have various treatments available, and all our massage treatments are carried out with the utmost care, attention and respect, with the intention of letting you soak in sheer bliss and relaxation, and allowing you to let go of the stress and tension of life, while getting to and resolving the root cause of your issues.

I am available for bookings in Body Conscious studio in Belfast city centre near Queens University, as well as for home and hotel visits for your convenience. Please note that home massage may incur an additional travel fee, depending on where you are located and the session booked. Get in touch to discuss how I can help, and which treatment is best for you. . 

Sólás Signature Massage

The Signature Massage is an individually tailored session, combining techniques and is suitable for anyone who is experiencing issues of a physical, mental or emotional variety, or who are on, or wish to begin a journey of recovery.

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Tantric Massage

This unique, and blissful bodywork session for those who would just like to have an amazing, intimate, pampering experience.

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Guided Meditation & Massage

If you are feeling stressed, tense, anxious or depressed, this is the session for you - combo session with guided meditation followed by blissful massage.

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5 Elements Experience

A unique experience for those on a journey of discovery, who want to reconnect with their bodies and the joy of human contact & touch.

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