
Types Of massage available with Mark:

Pamper Package, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Lomi Lomi, Anti-cellulite, 5 Elements Experience, Signature Session, Four Hand Massage, Guided Meditation & Massage

My name is Mark, I am a 38 year old guy currently based in Prague, Czech Republic, originally from Ireland.

I have always had an interest in massage and touch. I love the feeling of calm, serenity and blissful enjoyment that I get from it and I wanted to be able to share that enjoyment with others. I have always been skilled in massage, but my skills were only enjoyed by partners or friends. Having some time off from my job, I checked out some courses and I found one that suited me perfectly. After working in a healthcare environment and almost 20 years working in Hospitality I had found my true calling in life and my journey as a massage therapist had begun!

I absolutely loved every second of that course, and I instantly knew that this was the direction I wanted to go in. After doing some research and a lot of practice, decided to take a leap and start my own little business as The Mobile Masseur, doing mobile massage therapy in Belfast and around Northern Ireland.

I have learnt a lot about the human anatomy, and the issues faced by people in their everyday lives that cause injuries, stress, postural faults, and tension..... and I learned how to fix them.

Since then, things have gradually been building and I had the opportunity to join Body Conscious in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where I had the opportunity to work alongside the best bodyworkers that Northern Ireland has to offer. There, I discovered that there is so much more to massage and touch-based therapy than just rubbing sore muscles. I have learnt about Somatic bodywork, and the impact that massage therapy can have, not only on a persons physical condition, but on their mental, emotional and psychological states too. The more I read and listened, the more I learnt and the more I wanted to learn.

I learnt a lot about trauma, and about physical and emotional abuse. I learnt about consent and the empowered voice. I learnt about shame, pleasure and guilt, and how they can be linked. I think most importantly, I learnt about healing, and how I as a massage therapist and as a person can help a person to face and overcome their fears, and to break down barriers (emotional, mental and physical) which are preventing them from leading a full, and enjoyable life without restrictions.

I am fortunate enough that I get to make people feel great, and to help them to heal physically, mentally and emotionally. I get to help them awaken their senses, push boundaries, break down barriers and smash goals.

It is an absolute privilege to do what I do and I am so grateful to every one of my clients. 

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