Booking A Session

If you are interested in making a booking, please contact me on Whatsapp or text on +420607736277 or by email at and I will get in touch with you asap to arrange an appointment.

My number one priority for any session, is that the client feels comfortable, safe and happy.

Many of the clients that I get have never been the recipient of a massage before, so here is a quick guide to what you should expect during your session, as well as some do's and don'ts.

Prior to the initial session I do a brief consultation with each client. This involves an informal chat about the issues being faced, or the goal of the session. Often I will check the clients posture, stance, and look for any imbalances or abnormalities. Once I have determined how best to treat the client, we will agree a treatment plan together, and then begin the massage.

The massage will be performed on either a massage table, or on a futon - depending on the type of massage, and the preference of the client.

During the massage, I will regularly check in with the client, to ensure that they are feeling ok, and I will also explain anything I am doing so that they feel at ease and know what is going on.

After the session is finished, I will make recommendations for exercises or stretches that they can do at home, or ways to improve upon their issues in their day to day life.

  • DO have a shower before your session, either at home or at my studio.
  • DON'T be worried about shaving or waxing, I really don't mind.
  • DO make yourself as comfortable as possible, and move your body as you need.
  • DON'T feel like you have to just lie in one position as I work, if I need you in a particular position I will ask you.
  • DO undress to a level that you feel comfortable.
  • DON'T feel obligated to undress beyond your boundaries.
  • DO feel free to communicate and tell me when something feels good or bad, or if you want something to be changed.
  • DON'T feel like you just have to accept what I am doing, even if it hurts or feels uncomfortable.
  • DO try to understand that you and your body may react during a massage, and things like tummy rumbling or a stuffy nose are totally normal.
  • DON'T be surprised if other feelings arise - massages can sometimes awaken emotions and feelings as a result of unresolved trauma or suppressed emotions, such as arousal, joy, sadness or even shame.
  • DO remember that I am here to support and help throughout the session.
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